Love's Ways

[Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 1Corinthians 13:5

Love does not behave rudely- Rude behavior is almost an epidemic in our society today, with demands such as families, jobs, schedules, and appointments, all of which intensify even more pressure. We use terms like, “gunning for position” or “I’m winning” or “gotta hustle” all so extremely driven, it’s enough to fuel rude behavior in anyone, even seemingly warranted.

Our families, church, and work are all so important but so are people. People mean the world to God, literally! Jesus gave His Life for ALL mankind and God desires that we are mindful of others. God already knows we’re trying to get to work on time, He knows we’re trying to make our deadlines and appointments, He knows we’re stuck in traffic and running late, God sees and knows it all and still wants to help us accomplish everything on our plate. When we simply surrender all to Him, preferring others even in the midst of our rushed moments. God has a way of taking care of it all. We don't have to behave rudely, God will move heaven and earth on our behalf as we move in love.

Love does not seek its own- or “demand its own way,”NLT(New Living Translation) I know as followers of Jesus we want Him to have His Way in our lives, God is not trying to give us our way, He’s trying to give us "THE WAY" and sometimes our way gets in the way of God’s Ways. When we ask Him to show us His way, it demonstrates our dependence on Him. Trusting Him opens the door to His Way.

Love is not provoked- Have you ever been around someone easily irritated or easily provoked? It would almost seem you can’t do anything right when you're around them. Many times, from their end, they may be under enormous pressure and sometimes even concerned about their ability to successfully execute their tasks. Life’s pressures can cause us to offend others and at times be easily offended, we can miss the heart of someone’s actions, intentions, behavior or motive simply because of our own pressures. For example, that person wasn’t cutting in front of you to get ahead of you in line, they were trying to get to the counter to return keys someone dropped. Or, that person wasn’t trying to hide something from you, maybe you just never asked them. Love is not provoked.

Love thinks no evil- or it “keeps no record of being wronged."NLT God wants us strengthened and encouraged. He doesn't want us rehearsing wrongs done or thinking evil. God wants us to think on, the things that are true and honorable, right and pure, lovely and admirable, things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8


Lord I thank you for the way you love me, thank you that Your Love strengthens, uplifts and encourages, thank you that by Your Grace, my thoughts will align daily with Philippians 4:8. Thank you for leading me in The Way(Jesus), as I desire all Your Ways. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!

 I wanna hear from you -Please comment below! Share some ways in which 1 Corinthians 13:5 speaks to you.